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History of Park Church Ardrossan


On 9 January 1857, 15 men met in Ardrossan and agreed to take steps to form a United Presbyterian Church Congregation.  There was no church building and no manse but loads of enthusiasm so by the end of the year a new church had been erected in Glasgow Street - Park Presbyterian Church.


The first elders were ordained in May of 1857 and the first Communion held on 26 July.  The first minister was inducted on 22 December 1857  and the church building in Glasgow Street (now the Church of the Nazarene) was opened for public worship on 27 December 1857.


In 1900 the congregation agreed to union with the Free Church and the church became Park United Free Church and  in 1929 the congregation assented to union with the Church of Scotland retaining the name “Park” and was allocated a parish in Ardrossan, North of Eglinton Road.


In the late 1940's, when lots of new house  building  was taking place away from the town centre, (which already had 5 churches)  the congregation agreed, with the approval of Presbytery to be ‘transported’ eventually to a new building situated centrally in the Park Parish.  But it wasn't until 1958 that work began on the present building in Dalry Road and the congregation was formally moved to the new location on  26 September 1959.   At this stage the congregation adopted the Model Constitution Quoad Sacra of 1931 (as amended).


This original  building cost £28,000 and finance was provided by The National Church Extension Committee, with one fifth of that to be repaid by the congregation.  The various furnishings within the church also cost £7,000 - again paid for by the congregation.  (The pews were second hand and there was no heating in the building.)


However there was  new chancel furniture provided and this is made of Macassar Ebony.  The designs on the leather panels are representative as follows:


Lecturn:  A Sword and a book carrying the words "The sword of the spirit" (The word of God.)


Communion Table:  A lamb with nimbus and cross - The Lamb of God (The Son.)


Pulpit:  A compound design of dove, cross and hand (The Trinity.)


The white bas relief plaster plaque on the chancel wall was designed by Mr Tom Whalen an Edinburgh artist.  The four quarters of the plaque show an angel, a lion, an ox and an eagle each with a book representing the four evangelists - Matthew Mark, Luke and John.




 Rev Simon S Stobbs1857 – 1860

Rev William Murray 1861 - 1873

 Rev William McGilchrist 1873 – 1911

 Rev Campbell Stephen1911 – 1917

 Rev Robert Whiteford1918 – 1942

 Rev James S Clark1943 – 1949

 Rev Donald Currie1950 – 1964

 Rev David Lyall1965 – 1971

 Rev George B Wilson1972 – 1977

 Rev Kenneth J Pattison1977 – 1984

 Rev Alexandeer Downie1985 – 1997

 Rev William Johnstone 1998 – 2009

 Rev Tanya Webster2011 – 2019 


Rev Marion Howie also served as auxiliary minister alongside the ministers from 1991 - 2009

Ardrossan Parish Church

Dalry road Ardrossan

KA22 7JX

Scottish charity number


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